❖ Trademark Renewal
Trademark registration is valid for ten years as per the Indian Trademark Act, 1999 and one should apply for renewal six months before it expires. Trademark is the identity and it has many forms including words, sign, phrase or any symbol which distinguishes one business or individual from other if they deal with same products and services. Trademark registry is the authorized body to regulate and renew the trademark when one applies on the behalf of a business entrepreneur or proprietor. Once registered trademark doesn't give a guarantee of lifetime protection therefore, it needs to be renewing in every ten years in order to maintain its own reputation and goodwill. Trademark renewal services are provided by many leading legal firms and corporate firms in India too many business organizations and individuals in order to protect their rights. As per the rules and regulations, a trademark is registered for ten years with the trademark registry and before it expires the registry informs the trademark owner for renewal.
Trademark Renewal Process In India
Different IPR services comprise of different procedures to be accompanied with. Like Indian Trademark Act, 1999 established a specific rules and regulations in order to protect varied corporate brand from being getting maltreat. Under trademark renewal process in India, one needs to file an application for renewal within the six months of expiry by written application or by paying fees. If you need some changes along with renewal of trademark then you require filing an application in written whereas in simply renewal without any editing you just need to pay fees. All these steps and procedure for trademark renewal process in India should be complying within the six months of expiry otherwise one will loose her or her company's trademark. Thus, if you are looking someone worthy to assist on these tedious jobs of trademark renewal then just call us at 8800100281 to inquire further for the same.