Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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❖ Trademark Filing

Trademark filing is a concept of file your application for registration of particular trademark. Where you need to mention your trademark details, where to use, area of operations and many more legal documentaries are needed to be submitted at the time of trademark filling to the respective trademark office in India. Trademark filing is initial steps where one need to be very clear and should specify with all ask questions. It's being very important to define all the facts about your unique business mark during the session of trademark filing.

In order to file trademark application, a form TM-1 is needed to submit to the concern authority along with other legal formalities where some trademark registry accept Power of Attorney while during trademark filing and some trademark registry does not need any power of attorney during filing of an application. There are five major trademark offices in India including headquarter in Mumbai along with in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad.

The government fee for trademark filing is Rs 3,500, where any organization, individual, firm or company can fill out the same TM application to the concern authority. In case of partnership firm or proprietorship firm, a name of entity needs to mention along with trademark details during filing of trademark. Here, we provide you with complete services in trademark filing search and in-together with trademark filing services under exact all types of legal formalities and paper work at best competitive rates.

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