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❖ Patent Registration

Patent is the legal right given to an institution or organization or an individual for their innovations they do and use for the benefits of public. Therefore, patent registration is extremely important for all types of business houses and organizations in the world. Patent registration Act, 1974 laid down the rules and regulations for patent registration if one invention certifies the terms and conditions for registration. Patent registration services are provided by well qualified and well trained professionals like patent lawyers, patent agents and attorneys with rich experience in this field. There are numbers of companies including mechanical, engineering and other companies are vying for patent registration in order to save their image and reputation from wrongful usage. Once the patent is registered under the name of one person or organization then, no one can prevent them to make use or invent anything which will be useful for public in general.

Patent Registration in India

Patent registration in India takes so many process and there are legal professionals are always there to make the patent services easy and smooth. Patent application is followed by the patent search by the patent agent in specific patent registered firm. The application for patent registration can be submitted with complete details about the proposed patent including title of the patent, type of invention, method of invention, background, and field of innovation, summary of invention, brief description of invention, claims and drawings if any. After completing all the above mentioned requirements the patent agent should file the patent application form with following documents at the regional patent registration office.

  • Application form in duplicate
  • Power of attorney
  • Information about the invention and innovation.
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