❖ Non Profit Organizations
A non-profit organization is an organization that does not give out its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue its goals. They are in most countries exempt from income and taxation. The main aim of nonprofit organization or non governmental organization is to assist better quality of life in all its realms through community mobilization, participatory governance based on sustainable natural resource management. For profit or non-profit organizations, begins by means of well crafted undertaking as well as vision statements. For this NPO Fundraising has become one of the major sources of finances intended for Indian non profit organizations. These non profits in India need to raise funds for their operating costs and in maintenance of programs to facilitate people and the environment. One of the most important aspects of doing NGO fundraising is the association between people. These non profit earnings are retained by the organization for its future provision of services and programs to people who are in need.
A non-profit organization is an organization whose primary purpose is to support an issue or matter of private interest or public concern for non-commercial purposes, without concern for monetary profit. NPOs are active in a wide range of areas, including the environment, the arts, social issues, charities, early childhood education, health care, religion, research, sports and other endeavors. In several cases, those who have acquired excess of wealth turn to philanthropy and establish or provide support to such organizations. Since those involved in running a non-profit organization should follow goals that benefit the community, rather than personal profit, they are not bound by the competition of the business sector. In this way, NPOs serve the whole purpose of society, advancing goodness in diverse areas for the benefit of many.